Sunday, July 26, 2020

Almost Half of All Job Seekers Use Glassdoor During the Job Hunt - Workology

Almost Half of All Job Seekers Use Glassdoor During the Job Hunt Since its launch in 2008, Glassdoor has injected a new transparency into the job search for thousands of job seekers. Not only can prospective candidates view open positions, they can also see current employees’ reviews of the company. While these reviews has been a boon to many job seekers, their effect on a company’s ability to attract candidates was, until now, unknown. Software Advice, a company that reviews recruiting software, recently polled a total of 4,633 respondents across the US to see what impact Glassdoor reviews have on job seekers’ decision to apply for, and accept, jobs. As it turns out, having a strongand positivepresence on Glassdoor may be more important than many recruiters could have anticipated. Almost Half of Job Seekers Consult Glassdoor If your company has a Glassdoor profile, it is being viewed. Software Advice’s reports that 2,201 respondents, or approximately half of its data set, reported that they had consulted Glassdoor at some point in their job search. Almost Half of Job Seekers Consult Glassdoor If your company has a Glassdoor profile, it is being viewed. Software Advice’s reports that 2,201 respondents, or approximately half of its data set, reported that they had consulted Glassdoor at some point in their job search. Job Seekers Value Good Ratings of Compensation and Benefits Finally, Glassdoor allows reviewers to rate employers in five categories. Software Advice found that compensation and benefits was the area where it was most important for employers to have good ratings, followed by positive reviews of work / life balance. Implications for Recruiters and Hiring Managers The first (and most easily executable) takeaway from this research: companies should create a profile on Glassdoor. Almost half of all job seekers consult the site at some point in their job search, so having a simply having a presence on the site increases your company’s visibility to potential applicants. Companies should also make their information is current. As most job seekers only take into consideration reviews that are posted within the last six months, employers might encourage current employees to leave reviews. After all, by acknowledging their feedback is valued, companies may even garner quite a few positive comments. Finally, given that the majority of job seekers highly value good compensation and benefits, when asking employees for feedback, encourage them to comment on these topics. If current employees think your compensation and benefits are fair, your company will be much more likely to catch the eye of job seekers. Methodology Software Advice conducted this survey using Google Consumer Surveys. The survey included nine questions, each of which was seen by ~500 unique respondents. For more information, contact Software Advice’s HR Analyst, Erin Osterhaus, at

Sunday, July 19, 2020

How to Handle a Phone Interview

The most effective method to Handle a Phone Interview The most effective method to Handle a Phone Interview The most effective method to meet in various circumstances running from web videoconferences to lunch with a colleague and even the feared telephone interview.The telephone meet seemingly requires the least planning. You don't need to anguish about your outfit, you can have notes about the organization available to you, and you even can utilize the Web to play out extra examination during the discussion. Be that as it may, that doesn't mean you should move toward a telephone talk with carelessly.Be passionateMost organizations utilize the telephone meet as a primer screening, a low-force meet led by a lesser HR staff member to check the up-and-comer's capacities and enthusiasm before putting an official's time in an in-person meet. However, when separation is a factor, telephone meetings can replace site visits, and they will be extreme. In any case, You need to pass on energy and polished methodology, said Deborah Brown-Volkman, an expert confirmed mentor ( PCC ) and the leader of a vocation, life and guide training organization. Pick up the telephone with heaps of vitality. For instance: 'It's ideal to meet with you today! I am truly anticipating our meeting.' Don't be reluctant to underscore that you truly need an occupation inspired by a paranoid fear of sounding frantic, Brown-Volkman advised. State that you are amped up for the activity, that you are an ideal fit for the activity and that you truly need this job.Be on timeBe prepared at the selected meeting time. I have done a lot of telephone interviews where I realize I have quite recently woken individuals up or where there have been a wide range of different things going on out of sight. I would support complete consideration, said Kelly Dingee, a sourcing scientist and official mentor for AIRS, an official hunt firm. Additionally consider specialized issues that must be overseen before the beginning time. In the event that you utilize a headset, ensure it is a decent one and that you don't have any clamor on the line. Status is key.Eliminate distractionsIf you have a canine, you have to see a spot for that hound as for the half-hour or 45 minutes that you are doing the telephone talk with, Dingee said. On the off chance that you are jobless and you are at home dealing with the children, you have to plan the telephone meet when you can have calm time â€" less on the grounds that you don't need businesses to have knowledge into your private life however more since you need to be on your game. The less interruption you have, the better.Be preparedHaving notes helpful before you is valuable, however Dingee encourages contender to look into the organization, survey its Web website and have a comprehension of the association's needs. You have to ponder back the questioner (and the organization) during the meeting and ensure it is about them as much all things considered about you. You need them to realize that you are truly intrigued and you have done your examination, she said.Phon e interviews are fast, Brown-Volkman noted. I would make a rundown of three visual cues that you need to make. On the off chance that you don't get them across during the meeting, you can wrap up by expressing gratitude toward the questioner and afterward request to leave the person in question with three focuses.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Career Corner Career Transition Survival Tip #3 - Hallie Crawford

Profession Corner Career Transition Survival Tip #3 Now and then were so bustling getting it done that we neglect to take care of ourselves. However, in the event that youre in the midst of a significant profession change, there is nothing more significant than tuning in to your Inner Voice and watching out for all the easily overlooked details your body, brain and soul is requesting also, needs. Here are some extraordinary approaches to feed your entire self and remain adjusted while effectively exploring through your vocation change. 3. Exercise your body while you extend your psyche. Such a significant number of us spend most of our days sitting before a PC, both at our occupations and at home. Its no big surprise that a sleeping disorder and being overweight has become an issue for many Americans. As usual, however particularly during a period of vocation change when feelings of anxiety are higher, standard exercise is crucial to your prosperity. Focus on it to take part in an oxygen consuming activity at any rate 3 times each week and use hand loads to tone muscles and keep blood streaming. Pilates, Tae-Bo and yoga are largely brilliant approaches to lessen pressure, appropriately adjust the body and keep vitality stream on a level. Regardless of which kind of activity you pick, you can utilize this opportunity to take a shot at the all the more problems that need to be addressed in your profession and the progressions you are making. Consider it, how frequently have you sat before the TV, not hearing or seeing a thing on the grounds that youre overwhelmed by whats occurring in your life? Investing significant energy to lessen your anxiety by practicing while at the same time concentrating on your objectives, hindrances or significant choices, will facilitate your body and psyche and assist you with feeling great both intellectually and truly. A portion of my best thoughts have come to me when I'm out practicing and thoroughly considering of the case. Heres to having a vocation you love, Profession Transition Coach

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Part Car, Part Motorcycle, All Eco-Friendly

Part Car, Part Motorcycle, All Eco-Friendly Part Car, Part Motorcycle, All Eco-Friendly Part Car, Part Motorcycle, All Eco-Friendly It might sound nonsensical for an innovation driven startup to incorporate no new innovation as one of four cut in-stone plan standards to be followed, however that is actually what Paul Elio did when he established Elio Motors. A couple of years back when Elio, an architect and car lover, took a gander at the lay of the land, he pledged to concoct an exceptionally eco-friendly vehicle that everybody could manage, and the organization was conceived. That was 2008. Today, Elio Motors expects its three-wheeled, two-traveler Elio, named a cruiser yet structured and prepared like a vehicle, tolaunch in the final quarter of 2016. Elio began the organization with four unquestionable requirements as a feature of his vision: reasonableness (presently pegged at $6,800), high eco-friendliness (84 mpg), the most noteworthy wellbeing appraisals, and no new innovation. We unequivocally accept that specialized hazard for a startup is a demise toll, says Hari Iyer, Elio Motors COO and a board part, since tackling specialized issues will take months longer than arranged and be expensive. Indeed, even with a guarantee to no new innovation at whatever point conceivable, financing has been one of Elio Motors greatest difficulties. Paul Elio and his vehicle. Picture: Elio Motors We do have development, says Iyer, likewise an architect. Its building development, which he said Paul Elio compares to wheels on baggage, taking two known innovations and thinking of something else. Its something very similar with our vehicle. At whatever point conceivable, the vehicle utilizes demonstrated innovation. At the point when you work with an enormous group, it is anything but difficult to lose focal point of objectives. Designers being engineers, they love to do new stuff, Iyer says. Its imperative to saddle and channel all the imaginative vitality of architects and go a similar way. Be that as it may, Its more difficult than one might expect to remain consistent with the [no new technology] group, he conceded. Elio Motors took in the most difficult way possible. Specialists thought of the thought for an entryway they called a scissor entryway that would turn out a little and afterward swing up to keep away from little dings when in a restricted space. Simply after the designing was finished did it become evident that the entryway had a ton of multifaceted nature, which means a more noteworthy specialized hazard and cost. While it tackled the entryway ding issue, it made different issues of which the group hadnt thought: For instance, howwould the scissor entryway open inside a carport without hitting the carport roof? [We knew] the groups of the venture vision yet we couldnt help ourselves, Iyer says. At the point when you have keen designers, that is a characteristic snare of the procedure. From that point onward, the group committed once again to the no-new-innovation rule. It was trying to work so restrained, Iyer says. We needed to experience the procedure to totally disguise that objective. It isn't so much that we dont need truly cool thoughts. Its about facing specialized challenge and which ones have specialized hazard or not. There were numerous other, littler models, however the group made sense of how to survey hazard rapidly, for example, with a windshield wiper. One thought was to utilize a reasonable, off-the-rack water jug and put the get together engine for siphoning the liquid on top. In idea that seems like an extraordinary thought, yet when we did the financial matters, the majority of the expense isn't in the container yet in the engine, so having the option to coordinate the engine into a current model [was not as dangerous and in this manner less costly], Iyer says. These issues must be tended to as a result of one of a kind parts of the vehicle, for instance, the stature being equivalent to different vehicles however just a large portion of the width. All together for the windshield wiper to have the correct inclusion, it must be a similar length as a standard wiper however give a large portion of the inclusion on width. We had the option to defeat this with assistance from our providers, Iyer says. He says significant provider accomplices contribute in a major manner to the worldwide ideal arrangement. Normally, Elio and providers meet consistently as a group to determine issues. The Elio will highlight a 55-strength motor. Picture: Elio Motors Another test was to discover a powertrain. Attempting to use whatever number off-the-rack things as could be expected under the circumstances, the designers took a gander at different alternatives. Yet, in the event that the vehicle utilized a motor intended for the littlest existing vehicle, it would be 30% less productive on the Elio in light of the fact that the vehicle is a large portion of the heaviness of a subcompact. Working conditions for a lighter vehicle are not quite the same as a heavier vehicle, Iyer clarified. A choice was made that the best arrangement would be for powertrain frameworks designer IAV to plan a motor explicitly for the Elio. Paul Elios vision additionally consolidated his craving to have a positive vitality/natural effect and a financial effect. We believe we have a superior green story than electric vehicles, Iyer says. In the event that the Elio sells the volume we anticipate that it should sell, it will decrease in a five-year time frame U.S. fuel utilization by 0.35%.Its entirely chic to discuss electric vehicles, however at 84 miles for every gallon, we are 85% of the route there, and were doing as such at one-fifth to one-tenth of the expense of the vehicle. Which will have a greater effect? Concerning its financial effect, Iyer says its Shreveport, LA producing office and flexibly base will give 3,000 employments and an expected 18,000 extra occupations in a roundabout way. We like having that sort of effect too, Iyer says. Nancy S. Giges is an autonomous author. For Further Discussion We firmly accept that specialized hazard for a startup is a demise knell.Hari Iyer COO and Board Member, Elio Motors