Friday, May 8, 2020

Job Search Tools of the Trade - CareerAlley

Job Search Tools of the Trade - CareerAlley We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. Henry Ford Have you ever gone through the process of filling out a job application online only to find out when you hit submit that you had already completed an application for that job? Or better yet, have you ever received a phone call from a companys HR department regarding the online application you submitted but you cant remember which job you applied for (because youve submitted so many applications)? Or maybe someone from your network told you to call them in a month as they may have a job opportunity for you and either you forget to call them or you cant remember who to call? No, Im not talking about Alzheimers disease, Im talking about keeping track of your job search. All of the hard work youve put in to your job search can be trashed in an instance if you are not organized. So, what can you do to organize? Tools: First the tools to help you stay organized. This is a web-based organizational tool for job hunters. You can link to your social networks (like LinkedIn), track jobs, share the job listing, look at job details (for those youve posted), schedule interviews, add notes, tasks, contacts, etc. Looks like a great organizational tool for your job search. Keep Your Job Search Organized This article is from and provides some great information for organizing your job search. The article is worth a read, as are some of the other articles on the site. There is a link for salary information too (how much are you worth?). The site has a bunch of resources for job seekers. There is a quick search on their main page as well as a job trends link . It lis free to sign-up/use. Another Job Search Organization tool. This one is free to start Its free to activate your account, and you pay nothing while looking for work. There is a small placement fee after you get hired. according to the website. The pricing schedule is dependent on the type of work you are looking for (low of $4.95 and high of $39.95). Similar to the other sites, you can keep track of your job search efforts, follow-up, save details, etc. Take a look at How it Works for more information. How to Organize Your Job Search: There are the tools (above) and the process (below). Organizing Your Job Search Alison Doyle provides a number of options and advise for organizing your search. 4 New Ways to Organize Your Job Search Ten Surefire Ways to Organize Your Job Search Interesting Jobs 18 High-Paying Careers That Youve Probably Never Heard Of Sounds good and is worth a look The Ten Happiest Jobs I dont want to give it away, but these jobs will make you happy and are interesting according to this article from Forbes. This is a Guest post. If you would like to submit a guest post to CareerAlley, please follow these guest post guidelines. Good luck in your search. Joey Trebif

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